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Bindal Applauds Emergency Condemnation Proposal, Congratulates Om Birla

3 min read

Shimla: BJP state president Dr. Rajeev Bindal commended the proposal condemning the Emergency brought forward by newly re-elected Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on his first day in office. Bindal lauded this initiative as a significant step demonstrating that nothing stands above democracy.

Dr. Bindal stated that, according to the proposal, the Lok Sabha severely condemns the decision to impose the Emergency in 1975. It also praises the resilience of those who vehemently opposed the Emergency, fought unprecedented battles, and took on the responsibility of protecting India’s democracy. June 25, 1975, will always be remembered as a dark chapter in India’s history when then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi imposed the Emergency, striking a severe blow to the Constitution created by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

India, known globally as the ‘Mother of Democracy,’ has always promoted and protected democratic values and dialogue. However, Indira Gandhi’s authoritarian regime trampled on these values, stifling freedom of expression. During the Emergency, citizens’ rights were obliterated, and their freedoms were stripped away. Opposition leaders were imprisoned, turning the entire country into a jail. The dictatorial government imposed numerous restrictions on the media and curtailed the judiciary’s autonomy. The Emergency period was a ‘period of injustice,’ marked by oppressive and cruel policies.

The Congress government at the time made several decisions that crushed the spirit of the Constitution, including amendments to the Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) to ensure that courts could not provide justice to those arrested under MISA. Acts like the Parliamentary Proceedings (Protection of Publication) Repeal Act, the Press Council (Repeal) Act, and the Prevention of Publication of Objectionable Matter Act were introduced to prevent the media from reporting the truth. The 38th, 39th, 40th, 41st, and 42nd amendments to the Constitution were made during this dark period, aiming to concentrate all powers in one person, control the judiciary, and undermine the fundamental principles of the Constitution.

Dr. Bindal emphasized that these amendments oppressed citizens’ rights and attacked democratic principles. Indira Gandhi’s advocacy for a committed bureaucracy and judiciary was a prime example of her anti-democratic stance. The Emergency brought with it disastrous and authoritarian policies that devastated the lives of the poor, Dalits, and marginalized communities. People suffered forced sterilizations, arbitrary demolitions in cities, and other oppressive government policies.

The proposal expresses sympathy for all those who endured suffering during the Emergency. The period from 1975 to 1977 serves as a reminder of the importance of constitutional principles, federal structure, and judicial independence, which were attacked during that time and must be defended. As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Emergency, the 18th Lok Sabha reaffirms its commitment to upholding, protecting, and preserving the Constitution created by Dr. Ambedkar.

The Lok Sabha is dedicated to maintaining democratic principles, the rule of law, and the decentralization of power in India. It recognizes the unprecedented struggle of the people of India, which led to the end of the Emergency and the restoration of constitutional governance. On June 26, 1975, the nation woke up to face the harsh realities of the Emergency. It was on this day that the then Cabinet ratified the Emergency, endorsing this authoritarian and unconstitutional decision.

To reaffirm our commitment to our parliamentary system and the hard-earned second freedom achieved through countless sacrifices, it is essential to pass this proposal today. The younger generation must learn about this dark chapter in democracy. During the Emergency, countless people suffered illegal arrests and government persecution, inflicting immense pain on them and their families. Many lives were destroyed, and numerous people died due to the oppressive Congress regime. In memory of those duty-bound and patriotic citizens who lost their lives at the hands of the dictatorial Congress government during the Emergency, a two-minute silence was observed in the Lok Sabha.


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