Ban on Poultry and Poultry Products Extended for a Week: Minister
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Shimla, Jan. 18 – Animal Husbandry Minister Virender Kanwar informed today that keeping public health in view, the state government has temporarily extended the ban on entry of poultry and poultry products into the State from neighbouring states for another one week. A Notification to this effect has been issued by the government on 18 January, 2021.
He said that a disease in migratory birds Bird Flu was notified in the State on 6 January, 2021 in Pong Dam wetland of district Kangra. During the past few days, there had been incidence of dumping of dead poultry in the border areas of the State. Thereafter, the state government took stock of the situation and collected samples from these dead birds, disposed the remaining as per protocol and sanitized the area. NIHSAD Lab, Bhopal has confirmed Avian Influenza-H5N8 in the dumped birds.
The Minister said mortality in migratory birds was on a declining trend and on 17 January, only 21 migratory birds died in the Pong Dam wetland area.