Advertising / Slogan Writing Workshop Held
1 min read
Shimla, May 14 – The advertising / Slogan Writing Workshop was organized by President’s National Film Award-winning documentary and filmmaker Vivek Mohan, here today at Brews & Book Cafe here today.
During the workshop students from BCS learned the art of creative thinking and had an insight into the making of the idea into a final product.
Vivek shared his first-hand experience with the students and gave them a fun assignment to write a slogan in five minutes after sharing the tips.
“A Pepal Leaf & A Coffee Leap can fix a bad day” Tanishq was one of the fine creatives thought.
The session ended on a positive note where each one took a story and a lot of knowledge back home with them. Each one learned that A B C is not just about apple, bat, or cat but A — Accuracy; B — Brevity; C — Clarity are the three main criteria for becoming a good writer.