5711969 voters will exercise their franchise in upcoming elections: Maneesh Garg
2 min read
52.63 percent increase in the number of PwD voters compared to 2019
The process of finalization of electoral rolls with cut off date of 1st of April, 2024, has been completed with the final publication of electoral rolls by the Electoral Registration Officers (EROs) as per the schedule given by Election Commission of India on 14th May,2024. This was stated today by Maneesh Garg, Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) here today.
He said that a total of 5711969 voters were registered in the State as per the final publication on 14th May, 2024, as against 5622757 as per final publication done on 5th January 2024 i.e, a net increase of 89212.
CEO said due to continuous and concerted efforts made by the Election Department, there has been an increase of 19285 new voters in the age group of 18-19 years, over last Lok Sabha Elections 2019. Whereas in year 2019, there were 152390 voters of this age group, now this number has increased to 171675. He said that in this age group in 2019 the percentage of such voters was 2.8 percent while now this has increased to 3.10 percent of the total electorate.
He further said that the number of voters has increased by 381815 as compared to a total of 5330154 in the year 2019, which represents an increase of 7.16 percent.
Maneesh Garg said that now there are a total of 5645579 general voters in the state, which includes 2848326 males, 2797218 women and 35 transgender voters, besides 66390 service voters. He said that the number of PwD voters was 37852 in the year 2019, which has now increased to 57775 i.e, an increase of 52.63 percent. The percentage of PwD electors in the total electorate has increased from 0.71 percent to 1.01 percent during this period. He also said that as compared to the population sex ratio of the state 976, the sex ratio of voters has increased to 982 in 2024 as compared to 980 in the year 2019.
He said that at present there are 1254 centenarian voters across the state and 60835 voters who are above 85 years of age.
Shri Garg said that these voter lists are also available on the website of the Election Department and any person can check his name registered in the list through NVSP portal or Voter Helpline mobile application.