JUIT NCC cadets organise awareness rally on Waste management
2 min read
NCC cadets of Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan organized an awareness rally on Waste management, plastic waste, aforestation, and water harvesting
The NCC cadets of the Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, organized an awareness rally on topics of Waste management, plastic waste, aforestation, and water harvesting on June 4, 2023.
On the occasion of World Environment Day, JUIT NCC cadets with CTO Dr. Amit Kumar Jakhar planned this activity to spread awareness among people. Therefore, a total of 23 cadets accompanied by PI Jailal Thakur Sir, participated and everyone gathered at 8:30 AM And left for waknaghat. The students move round town with creatively made posters while shouting slogans to spread awareness on their respective topics like:
“बंजर धरती की बस यही पुकार, पेड़ लगाकर करो इसका श्रृंगार!, “बारिश का पानी कुदरत का वरदान, चलो वर्षा जल संरक्षण को बनाएं अभियान” Let’s Unite to Save the Environment!
After some interaction with the locals, the cadets left for their next destination, which was Domehar, where a similar process was repeated with marching and slogans along with posters to spread awareness among the locals. The cadets used numerous slogans and quotes to reveal the bad effects on Environment, Health, and Waste Management Challenges.
The rally was a great success and the cadets were able to interact directly with the locals and talk to them about their problems related to these topics and tried their best to help them with the solutions they could come up with by spreading awareness among the unaware people. Together, we can build a greener, cleaner, and more sustainable India, by implementing stringent measures, promoting awareness, and fostering innovation.
The cadets of JUIT, Solan took an oath to promote awareness and will organize such kinds of awareness rallies in the future and contribute to the success of our great nation.
Jai Hind