International academic workshop explores ‘Food for a Healthy Planet’ at Shoolini University
2 min read
Solan, September 20
An international academic workshop titled ‘Food for a Healthy Planet’ was organised in collaboration with University of Melbourne, and Office of International Affairs and Faculty of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology Shoolini University on Tuesday.
Various aspects of sustainable agriculture and ways to improve food production while focusing on reducing food wastage were discussed at the workshop.
University of Melbourne and Shoolini University had recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a dual degree programme involving two years of study in India followed by an equal number of years at the University in Australia.
The workshop, the first after the signing of the MoU, aimed to investigate innovative approaches for enhancing sustainable agriculture and food production by featuring concise presentations delivered by delegates from University of Melbourne and Shoolini University.
The event commenced with a welcome address by Vice-Chancellor Shoolini University Prof. Atul Khosla. He stated, “Let’s take a pledge to reduce food wastage on our campus. We must embrace sustainability and strive to make this university a role model in solving sustainability issues.”
Chancellor Prof. PK Khosla said, “We take immense pride in our historical journey from a nation facing food scarcity to one of surplus. It is crucial to integrate AI into agriculture while respecting the balance of nature.
Prof. Alex Johnson, Associate Dean (International) of the Faculty of Science at the University of Melbourne, emphasised the need for healthy food for a healthy world. He has done groundbreaking work on global agricultural advancement. Joining the conversation was Dr. Antanas Spokevicius, a Senior Lecturer in Forest Ecosystem Science at the School of Agriculture, Food, and Ecosystem Sciences and Prof. Giovanni Turchini , Head of the School of Agriculture, Food, and Ecosystem Sciences. They emphasised on the commitment to fostering innovation and excellence in the agricultural sciences.
Dr. Surinder Singh Chauhan, Senior Lecturer specialising in Livestock Genetics, highlighted the institution’s commitment to global outreach and collaboration, underlining the diverse and inclusive atmosphere that awaits students from all corners of the world.
Mr. Loughlin Hooper, the Student Recruitment Officer within the Faculty of Science, shared valuable insights about the 2+2 Dual Degree Programme. The programme offers an exciting path for ambitious individuals seeking to pursue master’s and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Melbourne, fostering academic growth and international perspectives. Ms. Chiara International engagement officer, Faculty of Science, who plays a pivotal role in facilitating a smooth transition for international students, was also present at the occasion.
Well known chef and experts on Millets, Mr. Vikas Chawla, spoke on the cultural richness and culinary experiences of Melbourne.
Prof. Dinesh Kumar Chatanta, the Head of Food Science Shoolini University, talked about multidisciplinary approach to understanding food production and safety, reinforcing the University’s commitment to holistic education and research.