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MapleLabs.AI Launches AI-Based Curriculum Platform at PNMM Geeta Adarsh School in Solan

1 min read

Solan, May 2024 — MapleLabs.AI has unveiled its AI-based curriculum platform at PNMM Geeta Adarsh School in Solan, marking a significant step towards integrating cutting-edge technology into education. The launch event saw the participation of over 50 educators, underscoring the initiative’s potential to transform teaching methodologies.

The platform offers personalized learning experiences, instant feedback, and tailored lesson plans to meet the unique needs of each student. Esteemed educators like Mr. Anurag Awasthi, Dr. Pankaj Vaidya, and Mr. Mahesh Sharma conducted sessions to train the teachers on effectively utilizing this innovative tool.

Dr. Sneh Sharma, the principal of the school, expressed her enthusiasm for the collaboration, highlighting its potential to enhance student engagement and academic success. Vice Principal Mrs. Pamposh Gupta also lauded the initiative, describing it as a new direction in teaching.

Nitesh Sharma, COO of MapleLabs.AI, emphasized their goal to improve education through technology. The platform is a joint effort with an American tech company and India’s Maple Technologies, designed to provide a superior and inclusive educational experience for all students.

The event concluded with a Q&A session, where teachers showed keen interest in adopting the new tools. This collaboration promises to bring innovation to the field of education, paving the way for a brighter academic future.

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