Himachal Tonite

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Essay Competition To Organized By HIMCOSTE, Summit Entries By June 01

1 min read

The World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5th June. This year Department of Environment, Science & Technology and Climate Change in collaboration with Education Department and HIMCOSTE is celebrating World Environment Day on 5th June, 2023 by organizing Essay writing Competition for †he students of the Shimla town. The theme of the essay writing is as under:-
1. Importance of recycling in Environment† Conservation or
2. Environment protection and Waste Management or
3. Sustainable Management of Forests
The essay should be between 700 to 1000 words in Hindi or English language. Every school may send only two entries consisting of hand written essay on one of the above mentioned themes. The concerned school have to be send scanned copy of hand written essay with student’s signature, Name and class with school reference to this office on email id thakur.br@qov.in before 01.06.2023 (12.00 Noon). The result will be announced on 5th June, 2023. For any query you may contact Mr. Baldev Raj Thaur-7018355400 and Mr. Asheesh Gupta- 9459216524.

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