Applications invited for departmental examinations from 8th September
2 min read
Shimal, Sept. 5 – A spokesperson of the Board of Departmental Examination, HIPA, informed here today that the Departmental Examinations for eligible Officers and Officials of the different categories serving on a regular basis under H.P. Government will be held from 21-11-2023 to 29-11-2023.
He said that the examination will be conducted for the Indian Administrative Service, H.P. Administrative Service, Tehsidlars/Naib-Tehsildars, IFS/HPFS, all other Gazetted Officers and eligible Non-Gazetted Officers (Supdt. Gr-ll and Sr.Asstt.) Technical and Non-Technical, Excise & Taxation Inspectors, Officers/Officials of Transport Department, H.P. Board of School Education (Class-II Officers/Officials of the Board), Engineering Officers (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical) of the H.P. State Electricity Board Ltd., Assistant Engineers (Civil)/ Senior Managers of HPTDC Ltd., Kanungo/Patwaris of the Revenue Department.
The examinations for all of the above will be conducted at the Centre of Excellence, Government Degree College, Sanjauli, Shimla. Apart from this, for the convenience of the candidates appearing only in Paper No-1, i.e., Financial Administration, the Board will also conduct the examination at Government. Degree College, Dharamshala and Govt. (Girls) Senior Secondary School, Mandi. The exam dates are tentative and liable to be changed, if the circumstances so warrant, he added.
The spokesperson said that the candidates who intend to appear in the Departmental Examinations should submit their applications online on Manav Sampada Portal from 08th September 2023 to 07th October 2023. Thereafter, the window for online application will close and applicants will not be able to apply for the exam. The applications will be accepted by the Board only when the same will be approved/verified by their respective Head of Departments, he added. The window for the Head of Departments will remain open till 16th October 2023. Thereafter, the window for HODs will also close automatically.
Detailed information regarding the online process for filling up the Examination form and Date sheet of the examination can be viewed or downloaded from the website of HIPA, i.e.,, added the spokesperson.