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Union Power Minister R.K. Singh Inaugurated First LAHAR Conclave organized by SJVN & CBIP  

3 min read

SHIMLA : December 16, 2022

R.K. Singh Union Minister of Power & NRE Minister inaugurated the first ever LAHAR (Large Hydro Active Reach out) Conclave organized by SJVN in association with CBIP.  Alok Kumar Secretary (Power), Govt. of India graced the conclave as Guest of Honour. Eminent Hydro experts of National & International repute participated in this Conclave, besides senior officers from Ministry of Power, Central Electricity Authority & Chairman & Managing Directors & Directors of Central Hydro Power Public Sector Undertakings.

 Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director SJVN & Chairman, LAHAR in his welcome speech apprised dignitaries that in line with the Prime Minister’s Vision of 50% of energy from Non- Fossil Fuel & 500 GW from Renewable Energy sources, harnessing of Hydro Energy is of paramount significance to achieve this mammoth goal. Besides enabling Grid Stability, Hydro Power has been silently contributing to the growth story of the Nation, since last many decades. Sh. Sharma informed that, in light of the certain challenges being faced by this Sector, there arose a need for concerted & collaborative efforts by all the stakeholders. SJVN has taken lead to organize the First Ever LAHAR Conclave in which all Central Hydro PSUs met for intensive deliberations to discuss the challenges the hydro sector is facing and finding the way forward.

On this occasion, R.K. Singh Hon’ble Union Power & NRE Minister said that Hydro Power is God’s Gift to the Planet and being utilized by civilizations from time immemorial. He further said that all the developed countries have harnessed almost entire Hydro Power potential available with them.  Experiences suggest that development of hydro power has positive impact on the ecology of the area in terms of water table & greenery. Sh. Singh said that, most of the population now appreciate the positive impacts of development of Hydro Power Projects. The development of Hydro Power is most essential in the new paradigm of reducing carbon footprints and the initiative of LAHAR will definitely go a long way for making inroads for these endeavours. He further reaffirmed his resolve, that there is need for more concerted efforts to sensitize all stakeholders about these positive impacts.

While Sh. Alok Kumar Secretary (Power), Govt. of India congratulated SJVN for organising LAHAR Conclave and providing a platform for exchanging ideas & best practices in the Hydro Sector. He further said that Hydro Power is cleanest & oldest form of energy known to humankind. He further advised all Hydro Power developers, particularly PSUs, to be cost conscious with commercial orientation in developing left out potential. There is need to communicate positives of Hydro Power to the affected people.

Harnessing of Hydro Power is essential in achieving the PANCHAMRIT targets of India by 2030. Under the guidance of Union Power Minister Sh. R.K. Singh, Government of India has constituted Large Hydro Active Reach Out (LAHAR) committee, with the objective to disseminate among the public the benefits of hydro power projects, besides their positive impact on the socioeconomic development of the region. Sh. Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director SJVN, is the Chairman of the LAHAR Committee comprising of Heads of other Hydro PSUs.

SJVN Limited on behalf of members of LAHAR (SJVN, NEEPCO, BBMB, THDC, NHPC and DVC) in association with CBIP, organized one day Conclave on ‘Harnessing of Hydropower Potential–A Way Forward’. The conclave aimed at clearly identifying the constraints and finding the ways for fast & early completion of hydroelectric projects and to provide a platform for initiating discussions with all stakeholders,

During the Conclave, various papers and presentations were delivered by dignitaries and experts of the Hydro Power Sector on the various issues faced by Hydro Power Projects including forest clearance and land acquisition. The challenges encountered and mitigation measures adopted during the development of Hydro Power Projects were also deliberated upon.

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