Tree Plantation Drive Conducted By IMPACT Organisation
2 min read
Rajpura, June 5 – To mark the celebration of World Environment Day June 5, a Tree plantation drive was organized here today in various villages of Rajpura Block.
“This drive was a part of IEC (Information Education Communication) activities of the Impact Organisation. The motive was to create awareness and inculcate Eco- Friendly habits in the villagers. Simple activities were conducted catering to topics like Managing Solid Wastes, Planting Trees and Protecting it, Saving the Trees, Reducing the use of plastic, Saving Natural resources, Save water, cleaning up the ponds of villages, Protect the migratory birds, Use of more Solar energy, discourage the use of paper cups, plastic plates and encourage use of steel glasses (mugs), more use of Public Transportation or cycling. As Theme of the year 2021 is “Ecosystem Restoration” Focus on how we need to rejuvenate the planet, the way our Forefather did before for us was kept in mind”, informed IMPACT organisation Team Leader Ragubir Singh .
He said to tackle the problem of pollution and Global warming; we have to plant more trees such as Fruit bearing Trees and Medicinal trees, so the people get maximum motivation to plant more trees. My Tree My Responsibility message was shared up in Village wise What Aap group which have panchayat members, GPWSC members.
Amandeep Singh IEC Specalist Rajpura Block Impact Organisation, said, “The objective of celebrating the World Environment Day was to make people to get more sensitive towards environment protection. To spread the awareness and message use of Posters, whatsapp message, chart, videos were shared with the panchayat and GPWSC members of various villages.”